Quick check¶
Before uploading a dataset to the COAT Data Portal, we suggest to perform a quick check of compliance to mandatory formatting requirements.
This section provides a checklist for dataset uploading new datasets. For a full detailed description of the formatting rules please refer to the data formatting section
The data formatting rules are also included in the COAT Data Management Plan.
1. Dataset requirements¶
A coordinates file is mandatory. Se below for more details
A Sampling Protocol related to the dataset needs to be already available in the portal
2. Data files¶
All tabular files formatted as “;”-separated txt files
All column names should start with sn_, sc_, t_ or v_ for variables that are either spatially nested, spatially crossed, temporal, or other (i.e. data variables).
No empty cells - use NA
Only lower case (except NA)
Correct spelling of spatial names (according to COAT vocabulary for localities)
Date format: yyyy-mm-dd
3. Sampling protocol¶
The protocol should be formatted using the template for COAT protocols available on BOX folder COAT/Protocol/COAT Research protocol
A protocol need to be added to the portal before the datasets referring to it
A protocol will be saved as a PDF/A and the name should start with “protocol_"
A protocol is a special type of dataset in the data portal, and will be added with a similar procedure, with slightly different metadata
4. Coordinates file¶
Should be a txt file
Same formatting requirements as for data files
The file should include the coordinates of all dataset’s sampling sites
Coordinates need to be provided both as geographical (decimal degrees) and UTM33 (easting and northing in meters)
The file should include the following columns: ‘sn_site’, ‘e_dd’, ‘n_dd’, ‘e_utm33’, ‘n_utm33’
Find an example in BOX folder COAT/Data management
5. Auxiliary files¶
Same formatting requirements as for data files
The file can include further information about the sites included in the study design
For example the years when a site has been included in the study design
Another example: old site names
Example on BOX folder COAT/Data management
6. Readme file¶
The file should be saved as PDF/A
No special formatting rules
The file can include other necessary information about the dataset, for example a description of the variables included in the dataset, or changes in the protocol