Upload a protocol

Protocol Upload instructions

While creating a new dataset, a mandatory requirement in metadata is a link to an existing sampling protocol. For this reason the sampling protocol has to be added to the data portal in its specific section before uploading related datasets.

  • login as an Editor of at least one module

  • Go to “Protocols” and click “Add Protocol” (if not available, you are not authorized: contact a module leader)

  • Fill the metadata

  • The title should start with “Protocol_"

  • Add a short description of the protocol. For example: “Protocol for snowdepth measurements on the Varanger peninsula.”

  • After filling the metadata, select “Next: Add Data”

  • Upload the protocol PDF/A file, enter a filename and select “Save”

  • After the upload is completed, the protocol can be set to ‘Public’ by selecting “Manage” in the protocol menu and setting ‘Visibility’ in metadata to ‘Public’